Eric Cameron
7 min readFeb 26, 2022

The day of creating a family is perhaps one of the most important days in the life of newlyweds. All couples want to organize a beautiful and memorable celebration. It depends not least on the invited wedding presenter, whom many prefer to call the toastmaster.

He, like the captain on the ship, sets the tone for the celebration, unites the invited guests into one large company, ready to have fun and rejoice for the newly made spouses. The publication discusses what the scenario for a wedding for a toastmaster or presenter can be.

How to find a wedding host?

The wedding presenter draws up a script for the birthday of a new family, conducts the necessary ceremonies, develops an entertainment program, directs a feast, says toasts and gives the floor to guests, and also conducts various contests and relay races, not letting anyone get bored.

The professionalism of the presenter is manifested in the ability to find a common language with all guests invited to the celebration and to keep their attention on himself and the events taking place according to the scenario.

The search for a good toastmaster should be started no later than 3 months before the wedding. Otherwise, it will already be ordered for the date you need.

You can find a presenter for a wedding in the following ways:

  1. Invite the toastmaster who worked at the wedding you attended as a guest. This option is the most acceptable, because you saw the person with your own eyes throughout the event, and were able to evaluate the script he had drawn up, the manner of conducting the celebration and communicating with the guests, as well as the contests and other entertainments offered to him.
  2. Ask friends, acquaintances and relatives. You just need to be guided by the opinion of people who have the same tastes and ideas about a modern wedding with you.
  3. Search the internet for featured videos and reviews from former clients.
  4. Contact a wedding agency.

Regardless of which option you choose, before ordering a toastmaster, do not be too lazy to look through reviews on the Internet and schedule a preliminary personal meeting. A good toastmaster has a lot of reviews and all are positive.

How to choose the right toastmaster?

For a personal meeting with the facilitator, you should prepare approximately the following list of questions:

  1. What is the duration of its work, and under what conditions it can be extended.
  2. The host’s fee and the amount of the prepayment.
  3. An approximate scenario of the celebration.

To the last question, quite often the newlyweds do not receive an intelligible answer, but only excuses that the script is kept secret so that the couple is interested in the celebration. But surprises are pleasant and not very pleasant. Therefore, stipulate the scenario of your wedding in advance by specifying the list of contests and quizzes. So you can eliminate inappropriate ones at your celebration.

Ask the facilitator to show the weddings from the portfolio to assess the style of the celebration, the correctness of speech and diction. While watching videos, you can see the reaction of guests to the behavior of the host. In addition, you will appreciate its appearance and behavior.

It is important how the presenter keeps up with the meeting. When he gets annoyed at hearing your question and cannot answer it specifically, but tries to change the topic of the conversation or behaves arrogantly, then you should delete this applicant from the list and continue your search further.

You can entrust your wedding to an experienced host who is friendly to you. At the meeting, he will behave freely and readily listen to your wishes regarding the upcoming celebration. Of course, a professional host has an exemplary wedding scenario, but it is not military regulations that cannot be changed, no matter what the circumstances.

A professional develops a script for each wedding, taking into account its theme and the wishes of the heroes of the occasion. The choice should be stopped on a professional presenter who you like as a person. Then you can easily discuss the details of the wedding with him at the preparation stage, and calmly enjoy the birthday of your family.

Classic wedding program

Undoubtedly, the scenario of the celebration depends on the chosen theme and the preferences of the newlyweds, but a wedding is a special holiday that includes centuries-old rituals and traditions.

The classic wedding program has the following points:

  1. Parents of the newlyweds and invited guests meet the heroes of the occasion near the entrance to the banquet hall. Parents bless the newly-made spouses for a happy family life with a loaf of salt. In order for the family to have prosperity and well-being, the couple needs to taste a piece of loaf, salting it. Fortunately, you should drink champagne and break glasses, throwing them over your left shoulder.
  2. Everyone is invited to the banquet hall. The feast begins with toasts from the parents. Then the floor for making toasts is given to godparents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, other relatives, friends, colleagues and invited guests. It is customary to end toasts by pronouncing the word: Bitter!
  3. After about 5–6 toasts, the first dance of the newlyweds is announced as a married couple. After it, the guests are invited to a dance break.
  4. Toastmaster leads the feast, taking breaks for dancing, funny contests and relay races. The constant change of the type of activity does not let anyone get bored. Interesting and modern contests bring bright emotions, joy and cheer up.
  5. The ceremony of lighting the family hearth and removing the veil is held.
  6. The bride throws a wedding bouquet to unmarried girls, and the groom throws a garter to single guys.
  7. The newlyweds give a speech in which they thank those who organized and conducted the wedding, as well as the guests for sharing with them the joy of an important day in their life.

Sometimes newlyweds abandon some rituals or traditions, considering them outdated and unnecessary. But our ancestors laid in them a certain meaning, which is important for the start of a happy family life. All rituals are transformed over time, and an experienced presenter can offer their modern interpretation.

Interesting wedding scenario

After the parents meet the young with the obligatory blessing and loaf, everyone goes to the banquet hall and sits down at the tables. The toastmaster makes the first toast to the young family created today.

Then he says that earlier a marriage certificate was read out at the festive table. Our newlyweds have such a document, but they prepared an oath for each other. It will bind them tighter than the entry in the marriage registration book.

He gives the floor first to the groom and then to the bride. This moment is negotiated with the newlyweds in advance. The bride and groom not only come up with the text, but they capture it on some material.

It will be symbolic if the groom cuts out the words of the oath or burns it out on the board and takes it in a frame. The bride will embroider the oath on the fabric and then frame it. Newlyweds who are not involved in crafts will be able to order the making of an oath in the workshop.

Taking vows becomes a very touching moment in a wedding. The presenter asks the young spouses to exchange vows, and the guests to raise their glasses so that they never forget the promises made at the wedding and follow them all their lives. Bitterly! The feast begins. On it, traditionally, the first toasts are given to the relatives and godparents of the perpetrators of the holiday, and then to close relatives, friends and other guests.

The first dance of a young family will become an even more spectacular moment of the wedding if you hang a large balloon with a surprise, in the form of gold foil confetti, from the ceiling. At the end of the dance, the ball must burst and shower the newlyweds with golden rain. The original script contains ceremonies deemed appropriate by the young couple and modern fun contests.

Wedding contests

Offer your guests a modern, fun and non-trivial competition. Nowadays the western tradition of decorating a special photo zone in the style of a wedding is gaining popularity. When a restaurant or cafe has a decorated photo zone, then start the entertainment program with a competition for the most original photo with the newlyweds.

To conduct the competition, you need a digital camera, laptop, projector and screen. According to the terms of the competition, the guests come up with a photo plot with a young couple and bring it to life, and the host takes pictures of them. After the end of the competition, the presenter prepares for the presentation, and the guests dance.

After inviting guests to the table, the host demonstrates photographs, and everyone votes with applause. The winner is determined by the loudest and longest applause.

The winner is awarded a commemorative prize. For example, a photo frame. This competition is new and has not yet bored anyone. In addition, after such a competition, the young couple will have a creative photo session with guests who shared the joy of the wedding celebration with them.


Wedding is the main and long-awaited holiday of lovers. A real celebration will correspond to dreams if the couple chooses the host in a timely manner and correctly, expresses wishes and discusses the script.

We hope that our tips and sample scenarios for a classic and original wedding will help you prepare a wonderful celebration. We wish you a happy wedding!

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